
6 Weeks Coaching Programme Starts 21st Feb

Original price was: £657.00.Current price is: £460.00.


If you know in your heart that you are honestly ready to become the best version of YOU – This course is for you.


If you a ready for change, really want to improve /reinvent yourself, and are ready to put in the work my new programme, “How to show up as the next level you” is for you!

Maybe you’re a new mum, spending every hour devoted to your little ones, an older mum whose children have left?  Maybe you’re ready to head back out on the dating scene, or maybe you’re  ready to get back into the work place?

Whatever stage of life you’re at and if you feel as though you need help to get your Mojo back, this course is definitely for you!


Every week is action packed full of amazing topics that will help to kick start you and get you motivated to become the Next Level You!





This programme is carried virtually on Zoom.

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